Thursday, January 29, 2009

I Love you Mommy

Why do people hurt and kill their babies? Baby Grace reportedly cried out "I love you Mommy" as she was being beaten. She was being beaten because she was two years old and her Mom's husband wanted to teach her discipline, particularly how to say "yes, sir", "thank you" and "please".

According to the mother, she stood by and watched as her husband beat this baby with 2 belts, dunked her in a tub of cold water, and finally hurled her against the wall several times after he became aggravated that the baby wasn't minding. On July 25, 2007, he stayed home from work so that he could discipline the baby all day long.

“I said we have to get her to a hospital. (Zeigler) said, ‘No we can’t. We’ll go to jail,”’ Trenor said in the videotape, crying. “There came a point where she stopped breathing. He started doing CPR on the floor. He took her ... and handed her over to me. I could just feel her going cold.”

The couple then wrapped her in plastic bags and kept her in a shed for a month or two before buying a container stuffing her inside it and dumping her body into Galveston Bay. They told friends and family that the baby had been taken away by Child Protective Services.

God Bless the Children, and may God have mercy on our souls.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

When Absolute Belief is Shattered

Most of us love our children unconditionally, and will stand by them, support them, and believe in them, no matter what life throws at us. But George Anthony is in mental turmoil today because the facts emerging in little Caylee Anthony's death are destroying his ablility to believe in the innocence of his beloved daughter.

Watching the drama unfold since July had many of us convinced early on that Casey Anthony knew something about Caylee's disappearance that she was keeping tightly secret. Her eyes told a story of a chilling coldness and lack of concern regarding the whereabouts of her baby. George Anthony could only see her through the eyes of love.

What do you do....what can you do when you realize you have raised a monster? Do you love them less? would be easier if you could. What do you do...what can you do when you realize that this person you have loved, cherished and nurtured is very probably going to die in the electric chair or be locked away for the rest of her life? How do you come to grips with that?

The discovery of Caylee's tiny body have forced the blinders from his eyes, and he is finding it hard to accept the truth of Casey's actions....she deliberately killed her little girl because it cramped her freedom and lifestyle. He is coming to realize that not only has he lost a beautiful, innocent granddaughter, but he has lost his daughter as well. Casey must pay for her crime, and the punishment should be death.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Love Thy Enemy

By Carole Nichols

I loved him. I hated him. Ricardo Montalban became known to me in 1968. I'd seen him in a few shows and thought he looked fine, but never became "aware" of him as a man until he guest starred on the classic "Star Trek" series. I will never forget what he made me feel as a very young teenager...scary stuff when you believe you can only be hot if your under 30 or a Vulcan.

As I remember it, the Good Ship Enterprise comes upon a sleeper ship (a craft designed for lenghtly space travel in the days before warping was achieved) The sleeper ship was a derilect, so the brave Captain takes his lovely A & A Officer, Helen McGivers, aboard to look around. Khan was the first of the sleepers to awaken, blah, blah blah, and Dr. McCoy has to save his life. The lovely anthropologist was mesmerized by the very sensual Khan and fails to tell Captain Kirk that Khan is one a few demigods who had disappeared at the end of earth's third world war to escape execution for war crimes. After chewing her out, Kirk says, "and of course you think men of that era were more manly than today's man." She responds yes, and Kirk thanks her for being honest.

Helen sits with Khan as he sleeps in sickbay, and when he awakens he proceeds to seduce her with words and with domination. My heart is beating 90 miles an hour and I feel a distinct pulse that I'd never felt before. God, I wanted to trade places with her! Khan revives the rest of his crew and plans to take over the Enterprise; Kirk orders Helen to trick Khan so that he can be overwhelmed and locked up. Helen in his bedroom, tries to seduce him but chickens out because he overwhelms her by just his presence. He grabs her, kisses her, and when she pushes away from him, he says very rudely, "Go! or Stay! But do it because that is what you want to do." Poor Helen gets all weak and sobby and says, "I'll stay for a while." Khan, with his back to her and his nose in the air says, "Oh no, now you must ask me if you can stay." God, I wanted to kick his butt! But Helen asks him to please let her stay. With a smile of satisfaction he turns to her and she walks into his arms....fade to black, darnit.

After many cliff hangers, Kirk and crew prevail, save the ship, and decide to abandon Khan and his followers on a very lush, but dangerous planet. Khan is delighted to have a world to conquer. McGivers, given the choice of a court martial or going with Khan, chooses Khan. As they are led to the transporter room, Khan turns to Kirk and asks him..."Are you familiar with Milton, Captian." Kirk responds yes. After Khan is gone, Commander Scott remarks that he hates to admit it but he's not up on Milton." Kirk quotes from PARADISE LOST "It is better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven." I think I cried for a week until the next time Star Trek was on.

Star Trek was my life for 3 crucial years. It was my escape from tyranny, it was my safe haven and it promised me that things would get better. "Space Seed," was so highly thought of that when, at last, Star Trek made it to the big screen, Khan's role was reprised to show what his new world had done to him and his people in the course of 20 years. Of course, after the movie, I cried for another week.

Goodbye, Ricardo, Khan, Mr. Rourk....May the Great Bird of the Galaxy find you in rare form once more.

Copy and paste to watch the original Classic Star Trek episode SPACE SEED:

Monday, January 12, 2009

How Old is Your Brain?

Stoopid Game! If you want to play a stoopid game, copy and paste the link below or just click the title above.

The instructions are in Japanese, so I've printed them below:

1. Touch 'start'
2. Wait for 3, 2, 1. to finish then start the game.
3. Memorize the number's position on the screen, and then click the circle from
the smallest number to the biggest number. ( #'s DISAPPEAR QUICKLY....)
4. At the end of game, the computer will tell you the age of your brain.

When you get tired of cussing out the game for LYING about your brain's age, you are invited to post how old the game says your brain is versus how old YOU KNOW YOUR BRAIN REALLY IS!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

World Scarecrow Record Awarded to Neighbor

Hoschton, Georgia was taken over by thousands of scarecrows this past fall; although the residents of the town only number 1,455 people, there was 5,441 scarecrows scattered throughout the 30548 zip code. The people's efforts at making this a memorable fall season were not in vain either, they were awarded an official world record for the "Most Scarecrows in One Location" by the World Records Academy. I happened to drive through this area and it was quite a sight to see literally hundreds of scarecrows lining the streets, grouped in front of buildings and scattered throughout people's yards. It would have been neat to actually walk around and look at the different ones in detail, but I didn't have the time.

Anyways, at this time, the city is not being awarded a Guiness World Record title due to a technicality. The office in London is saying that a zip code is not a location. However, the World Records Academy has a different point of view; they are saying that the same zip code counts as a location. A committee will decide within the month of January whether or not to appeal Guinness' decision.
The World Records Academy is going to honor the record with a full-page in it's 2009 book, which goes on sale this month. You can also see the city recognized on the company's Website:

Kudos, to my neighboring Hoschton, GA....a town which set out to break the Guiness Record for the most scarecrows in one place. Thanks to the tricky wording, the ZIP CODE area DOES NOT constitute one place! Go Figure! However, the World Record Academy DID award them their record for the over fifty-four hundred scarecrows set up. Below is a link to a You Tube video which will show a small sampling of the imagination that went into making the scarecrows.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Why Were the Princes' Turned into Frogs?

All my life I've wondered why the wicked witch or wizard would turn Prince Charming into a frog. And I wondered why it would take the kiss of a "fair maiden" to change him back into a prince once more.

And then I wondered what would happen if the the "fair maiden" failed to be one or the other and still kissed the frog. It seems, by the picture above someone else pondered the same question. I guess if you have to keep part of the frog, you need to make sure the part you kiss will make you ignore the frog face.

Warning please don't try this with just any frog!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Scorched By You

By Carole Nichols

Your touch, hot as the sun,
Invades and I come undone.
You lips are a hungry fire
That send me even higher

Branded and passion burned,
Yet ever for you I yearned
To be melted to the core
Consumed and wanting more.

And you, glow a radiant glow.
As I lose my breath, I know
That I'd lay open for that heat
Sated, fulfilled, again replete.


Donna Robertson

Together we sit on the concrete porch, the hot Alabama spring sun shining down on us. I can feel the sweat dribbling down my legs, and the heat reflecting up from the sun warmed concrete makes me uncomfortable. I look at her, and quickly decide I can suffer a little discomfort. She sits beside me, her body once hale and hearty, now frail and she soaks up the warmth of the sun. She is never warm enough, her blood thinned unmercifully by the monster that eats away at her. Her hair gone gray, and her face lined now, it seems to me overnight. I look at her hands, folded quietly in her lap and am amazed at how young they still appear. Her strength quickly fades now, and she no longer is the whirlwind I have known all my life. She stares intently, thru her right eye, the left eye forever blinded now. Conversation is difficult, for along with her sight, the ravages of cancer has taken most of her hearing.

As I watch her, she smiles, quickly and her head turns from side to side, and she says to me, " Look Donna, there is one, and there, another one."
My two good eyes have to look hard to catch sight of the quickly flying little birds. Hummingbirds, they flitter from feeder to feeder. We have placed the feeders with their bright red food, around the back yard in strategic locations. First I see one, and then two and then three of the little miracle birds. Their wings making a buzzing sound and moving so fast they are simply a blur. The little bodies are visible though, the heads brightly colored on two, a bright green and the third a duller brown. She claps her hands lightly, delighted in the sight of the birds. Forever, she has loved hummingbirds. Now that it is so difficult to go anywhere or do anything, this is one pleasure that is still hers.

As I watch her, I think back, years and years, to another time and another porch. It is on the front of a big white house, there are rocking chairs here. In one of those chairs she sits, and in her lap is a little girl, about 5 years old. She reads to her, and by doing so transports her to the worlds or once upon a time and happily ever after. Her bright brown eyes smile down at the little girl and she never tires of reading the stories. Occasionally, she will stop, and point out into the bushes by the steps. " Look Donna, there is one, and another one." The little girl sees the birds, tiny, fast and wants to know if they are baby birds. "No, not babies at all, just tiny birds, that feed in the flowers." The little girl laughs with her mother, enjoying the acrobats of the birds.

It's another hot, early spring day, and I sit under the tent at her graveside. I cannot cry, all I can feel is relief. I hold my baby sister's hand on one side, and my father's hand on the other. Behind me, I feel the strong loving hands of my husband on my shoulders. I listen as words are spoken, but I long for it to end. I said my good-byes two nights before. I watched in the night sky as the Hale-Bop comet was visible, a beautiful sight. I went into the house and to the bed where she lay. Eyes closed, quiet, no words had she spoken in 24 hours. I picked up her hand in mine, and held it, leaned down and said, "Mom, I have just seen the most beautiful sight, I want you to see it also. It is OK to go now. I love you." With me holding one hand, and my little sister holding the other, she took a last breath and left us. I will see her again one day.

The fall has come, and finally, after so many long years, my husband and I have a place we can call home. A beautiful house, that I fell in love with the first time I saw it. Not fancy by any means, but beautiful. My only sorrow that Mom did not live to see it. It is late in October, and I am sitting in the den, on the floor as is my habit, and out of the corner of my eyes I see movement at the French doors. I look up and feel my heart speed and tears come to my eyes. There, much too late in the year, hovering outside the door, looking in upon me is a hummingbird. There I sat feeling her presence, her love surrounds me. She knows, and I feel peace.

Now, on my deck, there hangs hummingbird feeders and I patiently fill them each spring. Each time I see a hummingbird, I whisper, "Hello Mom, I love you too."

Note from me: My sister wrote this beautiful story, all the more lovely because it is true. I post it here, now, for my sister who I admire tremendously, and love more than I can say.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

What do I expect for the New Year?

The big night is over; big deal. Reminds me of Tennessee Ernie Ford - "You haul 16 tons, and what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt. St. Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go. I owe my soul to the company store."

Well, let's see...I'm cooking the black eyed peas, collards and hog jowls (ok, so it's bacon, but pretend). Obviously, I want good health for me and hubby, and I'd love to strike it rich! The staying healthy part is fairly easy, but every year I get stumped on how to get rich.

I can't marry some rich old coot with one foot in the grave, because I'm already married. And even if I wasn't, most old coots seem to like those 20-30 year old plastic bimbos, and I'm a few years too late to pretend to be one of those.

The hubby has been in the backyard all morning shooting holes in the ground, just in case some of that Texas Tea made it's way this far east. No luck with that, but the sheriff's been by twice to make sure we weren't having a family feud.

I'm debating going in the lottery direction again. I still think it's rigged, but what the heck; it's only money......right? Then again, I think I'll just keep on working. St Peter, are you listening?