Lips, so full and lush, brush my ear:
As I hear you whisper
In slow, exquisite detail
What you will do to me this night.
And I whisper, so eagerly, "Yes....yes...."
I feel your tongue, wet as I am,
And I restlessly turn to find it with my mouth,
Taking it inside, to dance hungrily with mine.
Molten heat throbs deep inside
As we move to a beat of erotic bliss.
Your hands touch and tease,
Preparing each and every part of me.
I find myself hungry to touch you
Full-blown and hot, a'quiver,
But you say, "Not yet....."
Your lips blaze a trail of fire,
Sweetly searing, branding my skin;
Sliding down, slowly downward,
To the very heart of me,
Devouring me, magically special.
Till in a soul shattering burst
I lose myself and call out your name;
My body weeping at the beauty of it.
You rise to finally take me fully.
And I smile, and say, "Not love...."
You sigh and surrender as I kiss your lips,
Tasting the essence of me which remains.
My lips roam until I find you,
Throbbing with the pulse of passion,
And you moan, "Yes....yes...."
My hands and lips seek out
The secrets of your body;
Delighting in the sheen of sweat,
You moving beneath me
In restless anticipation
You struggle for control
And with a growl, low and deep,
You pull me up and claim my mouth once more.
Our eyes meet and hotly burn
And your mouth moves silently, "Now......"
And I feel you filling me,
In a dance as old as time,
Merged and one, giving and taking,
Sending and receiving,
Until time ceases to exist
And we seek out that most perfect ending.
And it comes, exploding out of nowhere and everywhere,
And we cling to each other as stars fall around us
And finally, sated and full,
We smile and begin the dance again.