By Carole Nichols
I loved him. I hated him. Ricardo Montalban became known to me in 1968. I'd seen him in a few shows and thought he looked fine, but never became "aware" of him as a man until he guest starred on the classic "Star Trek" series. I will never forget what he made me feel as a very young teenager...scary stuff when you believe you can only be hot if your under 30 or a Vulcan.
As I remember it, the Good Ship Enterprise comes upon a sleeper ship (a craft designed for lenghtly space travel in the days before warping was achieved) The sleeper ship was a derilect, so the brave Captain takes his lovely A & A Officer, Helen McGivers, aboard to look around. Khan was the first of the sleepers to awaken, blah, blah blah, and Dr. McCoy has to save his life. The lovely anthropologist was mesmerized by the very sensual Khan and fails to tell Captain Kirk that Khan is one a few demigods who had disappeared at the end of earth's third world war to escape execution for war crimes. After chewing her out, Kirk says, "and of course you think men of that era were more manly than today's man." She responds yes, and Kirk thanks her for being honest.
Helen sits with Khan as he sleeps in sickbay, and when he awakens he proceeds to seduce her with words and with domination. My heart is beating 90 miles an hour and I feel a distinct pulse that I'd never felt before. God, I wanted to trade places with her! Khan revives the rest of his crew and plans to take over the Enterprise; Kirk orders Helen to trick Khan so that he can be overwhelmed and locked up. Helen in his bedroom, tries to seduce him but chickens out because he overwhelms her by just his presence. He grabs her, kisses her, and when she pushes away from him, he says very rudely, "Go! or Stay! But do it because that is what you want to do." Poor Helen gets all weak and sobby and says, "I'll stay for a while." Khan, with his back to her and his nose in the air says, "Oh no, now you must ask me if you can stay." God, I wanted to kick his butt! But Helen asks him to please let her stay. With a smile of satisfaction he turns to her and she walks into his arms....fade to black, darnit.
After many cliff hangers, Kirk and crew prevail, save the ship, and decide to abandon Khan and his followers on a very lush, but dangerous planet. Khan is delighted to have a world to conquer. McGivers, given the choice of a court martial or going with Khan, chooses Khan. As they are led to the transporter room, Khan turns to Kirk and asks him..."Are you familiar with Milton, Captian." Kirk responds yes. After Khan is gone, Commander Scott remarks that he hates to admit it but he's not up on Milton." Kirk quotes from PARADISE LOST "It is better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven." I think I cried for a week until the next time Star Trek was on.
Star Trek was my life for 3 crucial years. It was my escape from tyranny, it was my safe haven and it promised me that things would get better. "Space Seed," was so highly thought of that when, at last, Star Trek made it to the big screen, Khan's role was reprised to show what his new world had done to him and his people in the course of 20 years. Of course, after the movie, I cried for another week.
Goodbye, Ricardo, Khan, Mr. Rourk....May the Great Bird of the Galaxy find you in rare form once more.
Copy and paste to watch the original Classic Star Trek episode SPACE SEED:
He looks like an Apache, probably not too, many roles for 'an American Indian,' then...anyway who wudda thunk that 'role up' for a simple, human man?
ReplyDeleteFunny what 'beautiful' really means.
Did you notice in 'this picture' you have posted...he has 'beautiful hands.'
ReplyDeleteWell, I can only see one, and can only imagine the other...seems fit...that human form.
It does look like a caring hand, to me...I just love 'details.'
The little things, that no one else might notice...
Darn it, now I feel critical.
"It's what you feel and touch"...
It's all in the fingers and brain, we've only got 5 senses, and rarely use the 6th...
Reminds me Of Al Cawlings, pleading the 5th.
What's up doc?
Reminds me of birds...darn smart birds are heading south tonight, and they didn't even get 'the news report.'
They just know somehow.
A few of those birds tried to hitch a ride on an airplane, I hear.
ReplyDeleteWell, what can I say?
ReplyDeleteI feel as if I've tried to 'hitch' a ride.
And now I'm just beside myself. Yet, in reality I know I'm just a horse, of course.
Tonight's a 'One Dog, and 2 kitty, night'...reminds me of "Gunsmoke."
You know my dear old Dad blew a whole in the kitchen floor with a sawed-off shotgun...I'm just starting to know and believe what my Mother went through raising all of us, to include me and a bunch of boys.
Anyway, I'm too, old to be tough, and feel like I've been 'through the mill' taking on whatever came my way, instead of...
Gosh, I never could earn enough to keep up.
By the way this is an 'insightful' link...and love reading your writings...and love this, too...
Reminds me of something about 'not looking back' my husband recommends...yet I'd rather recall.
Darn it, he doesn't even know what 'beautiful' means.
I almost wonder if 'that crash landing' was pre-planned?
ReplyDeleteSeems now the heavy engines just fall off, and you can land that load by gliding...not yet on land though.
Although, I often thought while flying that water might be harder.
Great 'pilot,' don't you think?
Reminds me of 'trailers,' I think they are 'called' these days.
Anyway, what do know anyway 'cept for what I, as HKS said, "...Feel and Touch."
Seems a rather "Strange Love," don't you think?
"Love Thy Enemy"..."Love Thy 'Self'"...just notice that little 'smiley face called "Hangman"....and what do you get?
ReplyDeleteAnyways, don't yu just love 'ice skaters?'
And, good writers and 'they' make it all look so gosh darn easy.
Reminds me of my Real Estate Agent, and no 'Buyer' in sight, yet.
Just a matter of time, though, right?
Easier to have faith in yourself than an old house?
Location, Location, Location...seems 'once upon a time' worked (hah), then it doesn't.
"Do You Know What 'They' Did" (line from "The Exorcist").
'They' built a great big jail house next to that 'Pink Palace' and 'they' thought that was a good idea...just within a mile of the nice little 'elementary school' that was and is so precious and sweet, and right around the corner from the All Black College down the street...and who's failing whom?
Meanwhile, maybe the new College/AKA Mill will make a 'Satallite ()sp?...
Outside the parens...
This never was my city, so I don't need to account for them.
Instead of listenting to 'Live Monkeys' I'd rather listen to someone 'down home' close enough I could "Touch and Feel."
ReplyDeleteOf course, who's ganna listen to someone that never had that 'collar' called "COLLEGE?"
And, especially if they don't speak out, and just type?
Oh, well the new Jailhouse is already 'lit' and to hell with the little, elementary school and all-black 'heritage' college...
'The Great Government' even built us a park...where no one 'cept maybe 10 to 20 people go to walk their dogs...
Might even be 'them.'
Reminds me of that show called "Dogs 101"...and I sure hope Obama and his wife get some cats.
That would be a really nice change...even a hamster or some 'gold' fish...
Some people obviously have little time for pets.
So, how do 'we' or 'us' just pump more music into that desolation called 'The Middle East
ReplyDelete..vast desert, and sand and heat and Mother's giving children literally eaten by flies...
The poor in 'The US' ain't got no excuse either...
Just damned stupidity, letting babies be born.
That ain't Love, and it's sex, might be nice to educate those stupid morons, that life is short...
Funk all you want, but be mindful of that aftermath...they are us, who cares about Geography...
Middle East, Middle West,, green, yellow, purple, green
They just ain't got no hope in living.
And, nice to give them a little green (all that gas money hopefully)...
So, now back in the forest...are ready for another gas hike?
Get, ready!!!
One for the money, 2 for the show, 3 to get ready...
I just love 'useless knowledge' and 'trivia.'