All my life I've wondered why the wicked witch or wizard would turn Prince Charming into a frog. And I wondered why it would take the kiss of a "fair maiden" to change him back into a prince once more.
And then I wondered what would happen if the the "fair maiden" failed to be one or the other and still kissed the frog. It seems, by the picture above someone else pondered the same question. I guess if you have to keep part of the frog, you need to make sure the part you kiss will make you ignore the frog face.
Warning please don't try this with just any frog!
Haven't read all of this, I'm too damn, excited!
Is he really relaxed?
Almost forgot what I came here looking for.
Oh, yeah...as a matter of fact (since I've scrolled that image 'out of sight') it was about this name and how poetic it feels to pronounce it...
Dani MarieBernadette D'Angelo
Now I'll go back and read your letters and how yu put them together, and I'll probably concentrate on that picture, for some strange reason.
ROTFLMAO.....I now understand why love can be literally blind.
ReplyDeleteReminds me of a song.
ReplyDeleteMy libido (sp?) just reminds me of exercise now.
All those years gone, wasted, by-passed, buried...
Wonder if I really could write a book?
Doesn't much matter, 'cause I sure don't have any money to promote it...
Damn Advertising!!!
rotflmao...reminds me of cave paintings, or engravings, or what do those scholars call them?
ReplyDeleteThe word starts with the letter 'h.'
But, of course the 'h' is always silent.
Just hell bent on proofreading and proving a point...
It's not a point, it's down right ignorance that dead-end road where so many strippers end up.
Reminds me of my once-upon-a-time friend Mary...
She had a kid when she was one. She was only 14 with one leg shorter than the other, but other than that, she was near perfect and possibly just as beautiful as Anna Nicole/Vickie.
Plus, she was a a really a Mennonite (sp?) born and raised and darn it, even though she stoll my boyfriend...
Seemed men really wanted her, and she picked the absolutely worst out of that barrel of apples...and just let herself get beat to a pulp...and could not raise 'the' sun all by herself...
Her family, you see, just rather sacrificed her for their religion didn't allow her...
Might be a good time for me to reflect, and pause.
It's all just for 'demonstration' purposes...like those red birds...attracting a mate.
ReplyDeleteBiology is darn near as good as Math.
Really dislike memorizing dates..that's history, LOL.
You know 'teachers' could do a little better if only, they just could afford to stay at home with their very own children.
ReplyDeleteDon't feed a baby lying down.
And, how many under age, wish to continue?
ReplyDeleteHope that's close to 100%.
There's a certain, gentle way to handle children.
Tell them and show them and guide them and protect them...
And, when if you are so blessed, to be able to touch them...don't invade them...
You know a bunch of so-called children are getting 'in' here...
I hope they're laughing at the wiener...
It's kinda like loving a dog and what that spells backwards.
The most important thing is that they take care, and be careful, and love themselves...most important.
"Be True to Yourself"
Next level, hmmmmm....
"Sing"...something you've learned.
ReplyDeleteSeems only rotting meat draws a crowd.
Darn near as long as a leg, can you only imagine living with such an affliction?
ReplyDeleteStudy birds, nothin's impossible really?
ReplyDeleteMight just be short and sweet, and 'that picture'...
God Bless him.
It really must be a burden.
I'm sure...
Hey, you kids looking in here...can you imagine something like that hanging around in your pants...and the discomfort, and if you've got one, hope you keep it clean.
Better than shafing, and smelling, and just gross.
Bbut, truly and really...if you've got one, take care and cleanliness is means you won't infect.
Darn it, go to the Zoo, animals know. And it's innate....Don't be dumb be caring and understanding...and be careful 'That Thang' doesn't get in your way.
That picture isn't scary but when you add Viagra or a lesser Go...can't bring myself to add the 'd' 'cause it's purely meaningless...
ReplyDeleteWell, anyway it's so confounded, profoundly scary to thing of the results.
I like math especially when the 'outcome' isn't meaningless.
If there were only such a thang as pure pleasure.
Maybe breathing? Not even that, 'cause of course it sucks. And, kills something...
Why do I so often make the same mistake, over and over again, typing 'thing' instead of 'think?'
ReplyDeleteWonder might just be the treatment for my illness.
Or, really just easy to sit on my ass and type like crazy.
It surely must be hard enough to be a man.
ReplyDeleteSo many muscles, and so much feeling.
Must be difficult to understand, at the very least.
And all those sperm, and some would rather fish.
If I had me one of those, that is pretty much all I could concentrate on, or try to ignore.
Must be hard to be a man.
Talk about 'frogs'...
Senseless playing with those things and doesn't sound pretty 'til the end...when it's nice and quiet.
Must be a full moon, or near 'bouts.
Sure did, once-upon-a-time enjoy that fever...
"Read all about it"
"Enjoy it while it lasts"
Prolong the agony, go for a walk.
It's good to get your blood pumping...but for what?
Could there be an 'end' to this 'madness.'
What about 'The Baby?'
Might be a good time to think about 'that.'
"Hang Low Sweet Chariot"
Probably didn't remember that exactly 'write' oh well...deep subject.
Hung like a horse...
Dear Carol,
Just erase my other silly comments. If not for me than for, those kids...don't you know they're here?
And, gosh those little boys don't know quite what they've got.
They've got a lot, and they better be careful and know it.
No matter how big 'it' 'is'...
Sometimes being small is a blessing.
Of mice and men, and history fading...
It's really a drug war.
It's all about a little flower. Oil is nothing but what's left..."...there's always more where than came from"...just like 'that not-a-fisher man' says about Salmon.
Anybody getting 'turned off' yet?
I know I am.
Might be time for Carole to turn the page.
See you turned the page, is this just a hobby of yours.
ReplyDeleteSearched for an 'image,' and came up with 'Gross Anatomy.'
Sure hope I have repeated myself more than once-upon-a-time at least.
ReplyDeleteI said I was going to try to post something every day, but I've been covered up in accounting year end and month end paperwork since the New Year. Sheesh! By the time I get home, my poor fingers are too tired to type.
ReplyDeleteInteresting 'hobby'...reminds me of a horse, of course.
ReplyDeleteSo, that's how you support your habit?
ReplyDelete"Bet You Can't Drive (just) 55"
ReplyDeleteROTFLMAO.....I now understand why love can be literally blind.
Mind explaining that in more detail.
Never mind.
ReplyDeleteI've got 'the link' called "The Urban Dictionary" (think)...
But, the 'I' and the 'understand' and the 'why love' and well, I will never truly...or maybe...
It's well, a spring, a jump...reminds me of a engine....
Gosh those low life programmers were just meat, just like ladies tatting lace.
Or, something like that.
I know, LOL.
Some achievement, hanging low...was this man born like this, of course not it just grew out of proportion.
ReplyDeleteScare Crow!
A little 'Hi Jean'...
Ain't no wonder, really...an ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure.
Be careful, and have fun.
I sure wish I'd never been 'raised' to be a prude.
Peanut Brittle, LOL...not much for games.
ReplyDeleteSure wish I'd learned more when I was young and my brain was more absorb ant....
You have been to the 'needle art' exhibit, right?
I can really get lost on the internet and remember and regret...rather remember though, than imagine what's ahead of me.