Most of us love our children unconditionally, and will stand by them, support them, and believe in them, no matter what life throws at us. But George Anthony is in mental turmoil today because the facts emerging in little Caylee Anthony's death are destroying his ablility to believe in the innocence of his beloved daughter.
Watching the drama unfold since July had many of us convinced early on that Casey Anthony knew something about Caylee's disappearance that she was keeping tightly secret. Her eyes told a story of a chilling coldness and lack of concern regarding the whereabouts of her baby. George Anthony could only see her through the eyes of love.
What do you do....what can you do when you realize you have raised a monster? Do you love them less? would be easier if you could. What do you do...what can you do when you realize that this person you have loved, cherished and nurtured is very probably going to die in the electric chair or be locked away for the rest of her life? How do you come to grips with that?
The discovery of Caylee's tiny body have forced the blinders from his eyes, and he is finding it hard to accept the truth of Casey's actions....she deliberately killed her little girl because it cramped her freedom and lifestyle. He is coming to realize that not only has he lost a beautiful, innocent granddaughter, but he has lost his daughter as well. Casey must pay for her crime, and the punishment should be death.
There are monsters in this world. Some are just born and others are made. I would rather think she was out of her mind due to drugs and/or abuse.
ReplyDeleteShe didn't kill 7 men, like that 'Monster' in Florida. Although, what she's accused of doing is worse.
I haven't watched much of this on television lately, and wonder why they have 'talk shows' like Nancy and Greta and Geraldo...and the rest. Except for all that 'advertising.'
There are way too, many 'commercials' on tv, in magazines, and now on 'the internet,' too.
It's not nearly as easy as it used to be, to search for something worthwhile, and actually find it.
I did say accused, because I don't know the facts of 'this case.' And, might I add that I'll never know by reading 'a blog' or watching 'tv.'
ReplyDeleteTo further 'add,' even if I were (or was) in a courtroom or on a jury.
I've kinda been 'to the other side' and know how distorted 'reality' can really be.
I have tried to justify my experience by thinking, it made me a more compassionate person. Yet, maybe it just made me more suspicious that there is no such thing as justice.
Wonder where Jane Devin 'stands' on 'this one?' I'm sure there's a whole lot more to this story that we'll never know.
Just a note: Jane Devin is an excellent writer, but that does not make her any more special than that. Although I would respect her opinion, but as always...I would 'read it' for the 'poetry,' knowing she more than likely doesn't have all the facts.
Is it possible that George Anthony is feeling more than sadness, and may share some kind of guilt? Gosh, I would almost rather believe that.
One thing is for certain, I believe in forgiveness. None of us are without fault.
Abortion is not a bad thing. It's a great option!!!
ReplyDeleteWe all 'feel' the same 'thing'...even little babies.
He? She? It?
ReplyDeleteSomething tells me 'he' ain't all innocent.
Rather like, 'he' created a 'monster,' or something.
Little girls learn how to love from their fathers.
Mothers always love, no matter what.
It's an 'unconditional' feeling and it's 'universal.'
Reminds me of music, and you know who?
Even those mothers of terrorists, learned 'that' from their fathers.
2 wrongs never equal right.
ReplyDeleteAnd 'The System' has a bunch of kids in jail...some for traffic violations...some for smoking pot...some on the other-hand are really dangerous and need to be off the streets.
Yet in the 'meantime' there should be a 'middle heaven' of sorts where there's some hope of recovery.
Gee that reminds me of Mormans.
You do know about the great 'in-between' place neither here nor there, right?
Bah Humbug...this is earth, and it's all we've got...and ain't that enough!!!
The best thing about so-called Country Music ain't the twang it's the verse.
ReplyDeleteI even find it hard to exterminate fleas...
They must have some purpose here on earth under heaven.
So instead of death, I would lock her 'dark heart' away...and what she may have done ain't nearly as significant as what those that do and pretend, and call it 'religion.'
Let's just pretend for a moment this is 'Eden' and 'Heaven' is right here on earth.
And let's not maker her some example of what you can do in a matter of seconds...when she was probably high on cocaine or something worse.
Let's not kill the messenger.
Let's find something, better in this.
Don't throw away 'That Key' or 'twil forever be lost.
Compassion might be the answer, something we least expect...some good thing found in the passing and finding small bones.
This young lady in reality could have been any one of us, in a flash, in a second, don't doubt it...
Just like disease, and drugs, and treating symptoms...what's the 'root' what's the 'cause?
The baby is gone, and we all know babies grow up and some are lost and forgotten and some are living proof of that today.
Just look at the pictures of kids going through garbage, and some covered in flies...yet we'd all like to think there was just this one...that was bright, and smiling, and...
Really that's just great to promote more advertising on television and on this internet.
"Take me to the river"
ReplyDelete"A River Runs Through it"
That abortion? Was it her choice? Was it the best possible option?
ReplyDeleteDefinitely an easy way out.
Definitely never an easy option.
Just a hunch, but I doubt 'this' was the first one that passed.
Did her parents hold her hand?
No one held mine. Not a soul, just mine...that's why I know in my heart I did the right thing.
Year right?
I'll never forgive myself, but I do.
Because I have to. Otherwise I couldn't live with myself for the decision I made, once upon a time and long ago.
So far away, and so perfectly clear.
Yet I'm still doing 360's.
"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure"
I like Classical, Country, Rock (especially 'Blue Grass'), and I even like Rap, and New Age, and Alternatives...even Goth!!!
I love the Drama and 'the movements.'
And, I even to this day, love going fast.
Just wish I'd learned more when I was younger, about taking care of myself.
My parents couldn't even afford that dollar a week for me to be a 'scout.' Gosh darn it, I was bored practically half out of my mind. All I could do was walk to 'The Little Store.'
I collected bottles to get a couple of 'nickels' so I could go buy some candy. And I wondered alone mostly, 'cause there weren't no other kids in my neighborhood except a couple of boys and all my brothers.
And now, looking back..I wasn't even fat, or ugly.
ReplyDeleteAnd, I had feet that could walk on hot pavement.
And, my mother did laundry day in, and day out, taking care of us...'cause of course, those boys wet their beds until they were twelve years old.
Can you imagine how much laundry that is?
And, to this day, my oldest brother still thinks (I think) that when our mother was near 50 years old she should've been able to get a job.
And, she did even with her 5th grade education, and her GED that she earned while raising us kids, and taking in ironing and sewing and cooking all the while, 7 days a week.
Doesn't much matter now, 'cause she got really sick.
Is that a sob story, or what?
ReplyDeleteI really don't mind a tax dollar of mine going to house some, and give them food, shelter and clothing.
ReplyDeleteYet, I would hope that 'that dollar' would be spent also, on giving someone a job to help give those that made huge mistakes, understand what they did, and why, and maybe learn some compassion before they pass.
I cannot fathom putting anyone to death, not even if that was what they did, not even for the most extreme case.
2 wrongs never make a right.
"And the punishment should be death"
ReplyDeleteIt will come to all of us eventually, soon enough.
It's nice to think that we could just say a person is guilty and then to have someone...a real live person do that deed for us.
Seems that's what's done, then the guilt to bear is put on someone else's shoulders that just has a job to do.
Reminds me of vets...and in that case, where the dog is in complete misery, and no longer able to walk or eat...
Then, that's where the greatest among us can do it.
My mother begged me, and I couldn't.
If only we had a greater being above us.
Hopefully we do.
She had to have been doing crack or something.
ReplyDeleteSeems we're still losing 'That War.'
Dear Carol,
ReplyDeleteYou've got a mighty strong 'Constitution,' but could you pull the trigger?
Reminds me of Stephen King's "Shawshank Red-emption," and "The Green Mile" (Who wrote that one? 'course I'll go look it up.).
Hollywood/Washington DC/Google...Kaboom...reminds me of rags to riches...reminds me "Sham Wow"...
Reminds me I don't even know you 'cept I love your poetry and especially 'that spot' called "Useless Knowledge."
But, what to do, what to do 'with her?'
I couldn't do the deed and wouldn't want to 'pay' someone else to do it for I'd just end up here.
Give her 3 squares a day and a job...maybe teach her to make lace.
I read an interesting article in my local newspaper.
ReplyDeleteIt was something about 'building prisons' and how 'all that' wasn't exactly paying off.
Well DUH!!!!
Anonymous...thanks for liking my poetry.
ReplyDeleteCould I pull the trigger? Only if I thought my life of my children's lives were in danger.
Yep, in self defense, or defending a child...I do believe I could, too.
ReplyDeleteBut, only in the heat of that 'instance' or at that 'very' moment.
Only if I thought 'MY' life or 'MY' children were in danger...
ReplyDeleteThat's the 'difference' really, isn't it?
And it really should make a difference but, seems as long as women keep having babies like rabbits...who knew it?
And as long as our government keeps giving hand outs, or anyone else in 'the neighborhood,' to women that are just 'little girls' getting screwed by 'little boys'...
Who's responsible?
Well usually the chidren pay the ultimate price, then the mother...and if you can find the culprit ...that man that was just poking fun.