Where are you taking me?
Where you want to go....
When will we get there?
When we reach it, you will know...
How long will we stay there?
Until you wish to leave....
What will we find there?
Paradise, if you will believe...
Where are you taking me?
To a place of safe retreat....
Will all my needs be filled there?
When you hunger, you shall eat....
Will you always be there with me?
I'll not be more than a thought away....
And if I need more than that?
Then by your side I will stay....
If I need to be somewhere else?
You aren't a prisoner, here, with me....
And if I need something more?
You won't, but still, you are free....
Will this place make me content?
This place serves no other role....
How do you know it's the place for me?
Gentle friend, I am your soul....
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