Monday, December 1, 2008

Drowning a Memory


At the bar she sits, in the dim of the light;
Ceiling glittering, fake stars in the night.

She tells the bartender, keep the glass full;
In hopes at some point, her memory will dull.

In the warming liquor, the ice melts away;
As do hopes and dreams of her yesterday,

Afraid to look in the wet numbing amber;
Afraid she'll see who she shouldn't remember.

The music swirls round her, whispering his name;
And she bites her lip so she won't do the same.

Each song speaks to her, straight to her heart;
Each note a chant, you're apart, you're apart.

She see the dancers from the corner of her eye;
Holding each other close, she tries not to cry.

She turns up the glass, drinks long and deep;
Praying tonight she'll be able to sleep.

She sits at the bar, alone, lights dim;
Drinking to drown her memory of him.

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