How can I tell you goodbye?
What words could even begin to say
How very special you were to us,
How still it is since you went away?
The house is quiet now
I didn't know how much your presence filled,
and how you helped to make a home for us,
The laughter has been stilled.
You never met a stranger,
Love was what you gave and knew;
The joy has gone now from our eyes,
Sissy, girl, we all miss you.
You couldn't have been more human
If you had passed from a human womb;
Your footsteps have been silenced
By the coldness of the tomb.
There must be a place in heaven
For creatures, great and small;
Who bring to us unconditional love,
Sissy, you were the greatest of them all.
Dog spelled backwards...we're really just dumb monkeys.