With a bead of hope, he watches the sky;
And sees the angel coming near.
As the firm, gloved hand reaches out,
He thinks he hears the words, "Don't fear."
Above him, a helicopter hovers,
With a sound like that of angel wings;
Fighting the wind and heavy heat,
To lower the angel to where he clings.
It's a very human angel,
Dangling there at the mouth of hell;
Though he says he's only doing his job,
There'd been no saving him if he fell.
A firefighter lives in sure belief
That angels guide him on his way;
Now he's done the thing he loves to do..
Both men will live to work another day.
From the firefighter, there's no bragging
About the battle he has won;
But somewhere in heaven, God says,
"Fire Angel, that was well done."
The Burning of the Cotton Mill
Atlanta, GA.....April 12, 1999
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