My heart was as dark and cloudy
As was the sky on the new-made day;
There I stood in the chill and kissed you,
Preparing once more to go away.
I smiled through tears you didn't see,
Yet they threatened to fall like rain;
Drove into the morn, never looking back,
Alone, adrift, heart heavy again.
You couldn't have known how I felt;
From even myself, the truth was hidden.
But it was all there in that kiss;
Even if those feelings were forbidden.
Like a child I believed in the fairness of life;
Like a fool I believed in the goodness of you.
Your touch blinded me to the truth;
A colder heart might have made it through.
If I could have just looked inside
To read what was written in your soul,
Perhaps I could have walked away,
Left with my heart still whole.
But I placed myself in the palm of your hand,
Never dreaming you'd ever make me cry.
I should have felt it with the morning chill
When I stood there and kissed you goodbye.
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