What do you see when you look at clouds
As they move and change above the sky?
Is it just weather or can you see,
The dragons and angels and wonder why,
Each cloud seems to have a life of it's own,
Complete with castles and prancing deer;
Rabbits and turtle, elephants and trees,
Where do they all go when the sky is clear?
What do you see when you see thr rain,
Pouring in torrents from the base of cloudland;
Perhaps a waterfall of perfect crystal beads,
Released to fall by a gentle hand.
To offer a bridge between their world and ours,
When the rainbow kisses the fresh clean air;
A color of steps for those who can see
The life and peace that await them there.
What do you see when the clouds touch the earth,
All misty and cool, their whiteness so dense,
That it dampens the skin as it curls the hair,
And as it quietly speaks, do you get a sense,
Of the life abiding within it's vast realm?
If you can see with your heart, not your eyes,
If you let your mind soar beyond it's walls;
Your hopes and dreams may dwell in the skies.
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