In the midst of prosperity he was born,
Blessed with riches and beauty bright.
The sun was his smile, the dew his tears;
And he viewed his world with sweet delight.
With every youthful wish fulfilled,
Into a perfect man he grew;
Tall and strong and sleekly tanned,
And Destiny's fingers touched him, too.
His body firm, so exquisitely made;
He lived life fully, this elegant prince.
He gave no thought to the future;
Had no protection, thus, no defense.
His beauty rivalled the peacock bright,
Surpassing that of any damsel fair.
The wind caressed his golden skin,
And ruffled his soft, sun-kissed hair.
His blue eyes twinkled, so full of life;
Sparkled with electric, sensual glee.
His full lips promised unspeakable joy,
And beckoned softly, "Come, lay with me."
Ladies would quiver and fall in his arms;
Sigh with pleasure, dream sweet dreams,
And he passed from one to another
Enjoying the treasure their bodies would bring.
Men chaffed with envy at his charmed life
And tried to best him, take him down;
But the victories were his, and we cheered,
And he strutted and preened at the sound.
He tasted life's fruit at a furious pace,
As if he knew it couldn't last.
He drank the wine of some vintage wild;
He gambled with love, varied and fast.
He savored life's dangers, race after race;
Walked on the wild side more often than not.
Danced and cavorted in the misty heat,
And the fire that burned him was terribly hot.
And for all the riches that were his,
Nothing could save him in the end.
In sickness, alone, he cried and died,
Shunning those who had called him friend.
For he had once dreamed a Hero's dream;
To be adored by fans, one and all.
But his legacy was the kiss of death,
And the cheers became Death's call.
At the end of his short, fast-lived life
All but a trace of his beauty was gone,
He closed his blue eyes in eternal sleep
Never knowing who had caused this wrong.
And Tim, we miss you everyday;
Miss the excitement that you gave,
Miss your beauty and special charm;
You haunt our memories from the grave.
We regret with all our hearts that
We never told you we loved you so.
We would have stood close by your side
As you fought life's fiercest foe.
This world is far too empty a place
Without the person that was you.
Your specter into a legend has grown;
I hear you laugh as if you knew.
Sweet Heaven, Tim, there's not a day that goes by that you aren't missed. Every race I see seems to lack the magic that you created by just your presence. Rest in peace and race with the angels.
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