No ordinary words of love will do for you,
For there are no word that could let you know,
The things you make me see and feel,
As my feelings inside continue to grow.
You are all the stars in the sky combined,
Shooting across the dreams in my heart;
Sparking them to life, making them shine,
Twinkling bright even when we're apart.
You're warmer than a golden summer's sun,
On a cloudless day, in the noonday heat;
Gentler than moonbeams streaming down,
Surrounding me with a touch that's sweet.
You shelter me in a snug cocoon,
Like a butterfly, you kiss my heart's flower;
A drink from the fountain of life and passion,
You let me partake, and I feel your power.
You are a breath of fresh spring air,
You're a mighty river, running true and free;
You take me away to feathery clouds of joy,
You carry me with you to the mouth of love's sea.
You're so many things that are yet unnamed,
You lead me so surely to discover your soul;
Yet, above all else, you're simply love,
You cover me and I am made whole.
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