He knelt in the garden, all alone,
As His companions slept nearby;
He didn't want to be by Himself,
For He knew He was going to die.
He raised His face to the heavens,
"If it's Thy will, let this cup pass by,"
His answer, the sound of the nearing crowd,
For the love of man, Jesus did cry.
They took Him, stripped and beat Him,
But for His life, He didn't plea;
They placed on His head, a crown of thorns,
And paraded Him out for the world to see.
He carried His cross up Calvary's hill,
And there, they nailed Him to the tree;
"Father, forgive them," He did pray,
He hung there and bled for you and me.
It was the greatest love we'll ever know,
It was the purest love there's ever been;
He gave up His life so that we could live,
His tears and His blood cover our sin.
He's with us now, as we go through our day,
He knows who we are and where we've been;
We live in the shadow of His cross,
His love will be with us even in the end.
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