Your world taught me so much,
When I was but a child;
You let my imagination fly,
You let my dreams run wild.
Good things seem to come in threes,
And you came to me that way;
Into my mind you flew and lodged,
Into my heart you came to stay.
There was the One who taught me
Not to be afraid to take a chance;
To stand up for what I believe in;
To jump right in and join the dance.
And the Second one who taught me
That my mind is precious and dear;
That different can be beautiful,
And diversity does not mean fear.
But of the Three, you were the one,
Who showed me how I want to live;
You showed me how to love myself,
And how my heart to unselfishly give.
You prepared me for the truths of life,
The laughter and tears, the bliss and the pain;
You taught me to listen to my heart,
That beauty is found in the simple and plain.
From the soul of a crusty old doctor
I learned I was special and one of a kind.
From your biting wit came the kindest heart;
You were the best of the three in my mind.
The body of DeForest Kelly is gone, but the spirit of Dr. McCoy (indeed, they were one and the same)will live forever. I miss being able to see his gamine grin, to hear his voice. He is the first of my personal heros to leave me, but the things he taught me will always remain. Bye, for now, tell the Great Bird of the Galaxy "howdy" for me when you see him.
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