For one moment in endless time,
He walked among us.
Like the stars in the night,
He shimmered and danced;
Touching us with his beauty;
Filling us with delight.
And we drew ever near to the heat;
Wanting to be consumed by him,
And the magic that he was.
For one moment he was the best;
Too brief a moment in endless time.
His shimmering dance faltered,
And we watched the stars die,
To leave him so alone at the end.
I can still see him in my mind,
As he was - full of life and love.
And my breath catches as I almost feel
The warmth of his smile,
And see the twinkling blue of his eyes. . .
As he races through my dreams.
You know you could just transpose a few 'articles' or rather 'pronouns' and this could be a poem about a 'Playboy Bunny,' and canned heat....