A firefighter is human, just like you and me;
But so often the world just doesn't see
How driven he is by an inner ideal
That life is sacred, and death too real.
He doesn't want medals pinned to his chest;
He just wants to do his very best.
He know that Today might be the day
That he can help in some small way.
He laughs, he dreams, he wants, he needs;
He can't count the times his soul bleeds.
He has his demons and his fears;
He struggles sometimes to hide his tears.
Yet at the alarm, he puts self away,
And walks into hell, come what may.
He doesn't falter, doesn't hesitate;
To do so, he knows, just might tempt Fate.
He puts his life on the line for a stranger,
And he loves this job so filled with danger.
As he fights, an angel hovers and sings;
He can feel the caress of angel wings.
A firefighter's heart, I've been told,
Is made of God's most precious gold.
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