An angel, he was, and so wonderfully blessed;
His aura so pure that it brightly glowed,
All the gifts of the world could not compare
To the special goodness he bestowed.
The life weary children, lonely and lost,
He gave them hope and gave them peace;
He healed hurting hearts too long in the fight,
He helped them find laughter, bade the tears cease.
The angel would often deny himself rest,
When needed, he worked night and day;
To the point where he ignored his own wants,
To be sure those he cared for were allright.
And in doing so, he forgot where he was,
Forgot that he walked where dangers abound:
Beneath the white clouds of heaven's gates,
He was only a man flying too close to the ground.
His angel's soul, so selfless and caring,
Was touched by the demon that haunts all men;
He was exposed to the temptations of life,
He stumbled and fell, and thus, he did sin.
From his lips rose a terrible cry,
For the sear on his heart left a bleeding sting;
The trust was gone from those he loved,
The truth was written on his broken wing.
He walks here, now, exposed to the world,
How far he has fallen and at what sad cost;
The hearts of the ones he had long protected,
Are hard to win back, once they are lost.
So if you see him on his bleak journey,
Tell him not to give up, even angel wings heal;
He can fly once again if his heart is so set,
He must believe in himself, for his goodness is real.
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