I've traveled many a rocky road,
With you there, at my side.
You were there each time I gave up;
You urged me to take new paths not tried.
And every time I stumbled,
You were there to pick me up;
Every bruise and scrape you tended,
Washed the dirt in your loving cup.
You were the bridge I walked on,
When the rivers ran too deep;
You were the nest of petaled softness,
When I was sore in need of sleep.
You were my cloak of warmth,
When the winds cut to the bone;
You were the voice of promise,
When I felt so alone.
You walked with me the rocky roads,
Without one word of complaint;
You supported me as no other could,
With love, yet with no restraint.
And now, we've found our highway,
Smooth, with only small potholes;
But I'll never forget the rocky roads,
And the bonding of two wayward souls.
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